Sunday, February 21, 2010

Difficulties of writing

For me, writing always came easy at a younger age, I used to be the most creative and intuitive with my writing. I enjoy telling a good fictional story with my writing. As I got older, my writing slowly went down the drain as different styles of writing became involved. I guess I just thought of the other styles of writing as being not as fun, and too controlling. I would much rather write about how I feel or what I am thinking, instead of a designated topic. For me at least, its just hard to get all of my ideas that flow so fluidly in my head, onto paper. Making others think the same way as me and making others feel my emotions through my writing has and always will be my greatest challenge. Since freshmen year, I feel as if my writing has gotten so much more mature and adult. I can carry an intelligent thought in an essay where as when I was younger I could not. I love to write fiction, and hate just about everything else.

Edmund Morrison: Quotes about Writing
Like stones, words are laborious and unforgiving, and the fitting of them together, like the fitting of stones, demands great patience and strength of purpose and particular skill.

1 comment:

  1. I llike your quote. I think you are a good writer with lots of things to say!!
