Thursday, May 13, 2010


As your Tv i must sincerely apologize for what I am about to say. In general, everything about you is disgusting. You sit there all day and make me play your stupid tv shows about odd medical mysterys and historical battles. I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE. Your crushing me. I work all day from the early mornings while you sit and eat breakfast in your living room to the late nights where your little brother screams at me. something about "Lag?". I want you to know how much you disrespect me. You leave me on, you never say hello, you dont write, you dont call. I feel as if I am just sitting on a table, and the whole world is at your finger tips. but you watch the SAME SHOWS!. by the way, the morning yoga with the hot chicks on the beach is getting old. Nobody is that happy when they are in the burning sun doing yoga on a towel. Sand would be everywhere! As I said before dustin I hate you. I dont want to be your tv anymore.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I love Ninjas

Silent, sneaky, and witty. Who doesnt want to be a ninja? Often times I fantasize about coming out of the shadows and fighting my foes with pinpoint accuracy and deadly swiftness. Sometimes, people in my life refer to me as being a ninja. I may be the tallest ninja in the world. Often times, ninjas are short and stalking but I am a leading front for the wide eyed, american, skinny, tall ninjas. We do best at hiding behind trees and lamp posts. But let me tell you what, ninjas stick together. A ninja is never without his counterpart, weather it be an peasent farmer or suburbian middie. Ninjas and I are a perfect counter part. My life would be incomplete without the ninjas in my life. I actually have my own ninja clan (Dana Heinaman, Lindsey Sullivan, Erica Mudd, and David Wise) NINJAS KICK ***!!

Monday, April 12, 2010


Shakespearian literature is hard enough as it is, however I believe that discussing it in class makes the reading significantly easier. Sometimes, how one person percieves something is very different than someone else. The reading itself is actually interesting and might make an exciting jerry springer episode. Macbeth would also make a great action movie! Im enjoying reading it and cant wait so see how the witches proficies turn out for Banquo and Macbeth

Monday, March 1, 2010

Canterbury Cathedral

The Cathedral's history goes back to 597AD when St Augustine, sent by Pope Gregory the Great as a missionary, established his seat in Canterbury. In 1170 Archbishop Thomas Becket was murdered in the Cathedral and ever since, the Cathedral has attracted thousands of pilgrims, as told in Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.
In 1011, Canterbury was among the many English towns devastated by marauding Danes, who traveled up the rivers killing and pillaging from their longships. The city was destroyed, the cathedral was set on fire, and Archbishop Alphege was taken hostage in hopes of ransom. In 1093, a man named Anselm became Archbishop of Canterbury. Anselm was a quiet scholarly type, known for his wisdom and piety. But it is to him, along with the priors Ernulf and Conrad, that we owe much of the Romanesque architecture and art that survives today. Most notably, Anselm built the huge and beautifully decorated crypt beneath the east end, which still survives fully intact. An extensive choir with ambulatory, consecrated in 1130, was then built over the crypt.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Difficulties of writing

For me, writing always came easy at a younger age, I used to be the most creative and intuitive with my writing. I enjoy telling a good fictional story with my writing. As I got older, my writing slowly went down the drain as different styles of writing became involved. I guess I just thought of the other styles of writing as being not as fun, and too controlling. I would much rather write about how I feel or what I am thinking, instead of a designated topic. For me at least, its just hard to get all of my ideas that flow so fluidly in my head, onto paper. Making others think the same way as me and making others feel my emotions through my writing has and always will be my greatest challenge. Since freshmen year, I feel as if my writing has gotten so much more mature and adult. I can carry an intelligent thought in an essay where as when I was younger I could not. I love to write fiction, and hate just about everything else.

Edmund Morrison: Quotes about Writing
Like stones, words are laborious and unforgiving, and the fitting of them together, like the fitting of stones, demands great patience and strength of purpose and particular skill.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Heroes (the Pizza Guy)

Most people will begin their posts by saying something about a celebrity or a family member who has impacted them. However, these people are indeed a huge part of my life and influence me a lot, I would like to dedicate this post to my favorite every-day hero. Today, lets pretend that my hero is the guy that delivers pizza to your house. A quick search on google for "heroic themes" led to these conclusions.

Heroes have the courage to keep on trying despite difficulties and hardship.

Heroes take responsibility for their own lives.

Heroes pursue education, knowing that it is a powerful force for bettering their lives.

Heroes try to help other people, knowing from their own experience that help and kindness often matter immeasurably.
A pizza man fits all of these qualities, here is how:
1. Heroes have the courage to keep on trying despite difficulties and hardship. Heros often have to be at a certain place in under a certain time (30 minutes) Most people dont realize the hardships to the trade of pizza delivery. Not only do pizza men have to drive a beat up car that wreaks of pizza and meat. They must also study and know their sectors of the city. Regular houses on streets are no problem, but imagine how hard it is to find one in an apartment.

2. Heroes take responsibility for their own lives. Often times pizza men may seem scruffy and gross on the ouside. Ok, actaully very scummy and kind of rugged to. Lets not forget, this is the man that handles your food, with his hands, and his car. Yay for hygiene! These glory men take full responsability for their job. Wearing a big glowing dominoes sign as if it was a trophy for having a sucky life. They are not taxis, so what good do the signs do anyway? Pizza men are not taxis, and you cannot hail them on the street for a quick snack.

3. Heroes pursue education, knowing that it is a powerful force for bettering their lives. Lets be honest, sometimes a hero is gonna have to go places that they dont want to go. Having an entrance and exit rout for their run down "Gremlin" is a must. By educating themselves on the local "businesses" in certain areas such as downtown cincinnati, one could effectivly lower their chances of getting mugged for their 2 dollars in tips. Once a pizza man goes to a house and the owner opens the door with a gun and pats the pizza man down for weapons. The pizza man is now educated and will most likely never return to that house.

4. Heroes try to help other people, knowing from their own experience that help and kindness often matter immeasurably. Helping people is a good way to get extra tips. Helping someone by giving them a pen to sign the bill, or having extra cash to make change is a great way to make a few extra bucks off a 9 year olds birthday party. Pizza men are masters of their trade. Their advanced vocabulary such as "uh, thanks" and "heres you pizza dude". Completely demoponstrate the inteligence of our country.

As you can see, Pizza men are the real heros of the day. I can honestly say that I dont know what I would do without some 30 year old man in a Ford Pinto to come to my house and give me food that I have no idea what has been done to it. What would the U.S. be without people that do these type of jobs so well?...probably the peoples republic of unified stated....also known as communist.

lets not forget to treat our local pizza guy nicely.
Here is a video about how great pizza guys are..this happens a lot.